Nicole Schneider is postdoctoral Research and Teaching Assistant in American Studies at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. For her thesis on photography, social movements, and antiprecarity protest – entitled “Visual Protest, Viral Images and Virtual Participation: Protest and Photography in the Contemporary Movement for Black Lives” – she has received the Maximilian-Bickhoff-Foundation’s dissertation scholarship (2018-2021) and was awarded the 2017-BAA-Fellowship for a research stay at the Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Abolition, and Resistance at Yale University.
Currently a member of the DFG-Research-Network “Bridging the Black Freedom Struggle: German and U.S.-American Perspectives,” the KU-Center for Advanced Studies “Dialogical Cultures: Critical Reflection Spaces for Cultural Studies and Social Sciences,” and an associate fellow of the DFG-Graduate Research School “Practicing Place: Socio-Cultural Practices and Epistemic Configurations,” she continues to work on interdisciplinary topics connected to social justice, configurations of places and spaces, as well as American literature and culture. Her second book project is tentatively entitled “Traveling Places: The Cultural Episteme of Places and Relations in the US.” Schneider studied in Siegen, Tulsa (OK), and Eichstätt and holds an M.A. degree in Advanced Literary Studies: Literature, Culture and Media from the University of Siegen.